Marcus R
Marcus R
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EntertainmentGroup ActivitiesProvided by Marcus RContact provider

For Kids​,​ the idea of making pizza of their own is probably just as thrilling as eating one. Complete with a chef’s hat and the best ingredients to choose from​,​ your child will surely enjoy being a pizza expert for a day with his​/​her buddies. "Create & Eat" Each kid will learn how to create and decorate their own salty + sweet pizzas. *Min 20 kids or $500 spend Price included: Chef Fee + 1 helper + Pizza Oven + everything to prep (ingredients) and to serve the pizzas​,​ chef hat for every kid​,​ Sweet & Salty pizzas Kids usually makes the salty one and I make a verity of sweet pizzas for them to eat as a dessert. Kosher Pizzas Available

Kids Pizza Making Activity With Chef Marcus

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    Event type

    • Kids parties

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