Bitia F
Bitia F
00 Review

California, United States

RentalsOutdoorEquipmentKids Rentals Provided by Bitia FContact provider

Are you looking for something simple but very stylish to give your party that special touch? Well​,​ we got you! Check out our Bounce Castles​,​ they will bring a lot of fun to your parties. Let your kids jump for fun and you make this party “The best party” with so much style and elegance.

Luxxe Castles


Book with 2 weeks in advance, no refundable deposit required

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    Event type

    • Birthday parties
    • Weddings
    • Baby showers
    • Company Events
    • Kids parties
    • Adult party
    • Dinners
    • Launch party
    • Outdoor

    Protect your booking

    Never pay for a booking outside of the Eventors website. Only bookings completed through the website will have access to secure payment, fraud safeguards, and cancellation protection.

    Starting price